Founder of Talking Shop, Victoria Latu!
In a period of time when we're inundated with what feels like consistent bad news, we wanted to put some emphasis on the positive. This is another installment in "Collective Conversations," a weekly series focusing on a woman we think is awesome + what she's all about. This week we're talking to Victoria Latu, founder of Talking Shop, style writer, businesswoman, mum, and all-around fashionable lady. Victoria uses her platform Talking Shop to share advice and start conversations about both business and style, helping women grow their brands by becoming more visible. A lifestyle guru for the modern millennial, Victoria dishes out the best advice- and looks amazing while doing it, too. Today we talked to her about motherhood, balance, and not giving a damn what other people think.
1. Describe yourself in three words?
Go-Getter, Dreamer, Doer…
2. What does heritage and tradition mean to you?
Tradition is everything … because how do you know where you are going? If you don’t know where you are from? These insights, backgrounds, ideas… inform us and our journey forward, either we are aware or not.
3. Who do you most admire?
It’s still Ms. OPRAH… her way with words and her ability to communicate and spread a message that cuts through is like non-other!! Communication is that way, is a big passion of mine…

Allow myself an hr to journal or read something that feeds my soul. It’s a game-changer for me.
5. What is something you’re proud of?
Trying to juggle motherhood and work… it’s no small fit to try and do both and I keep at it although it is extremely difficult at times… especially now in lockdown!
6. What's something you do to be kind to yourself?
Not pay any attention to what people are saying or assuming about me haha!

7. What are some traditions that you’ve adopted from somewhere or someone else?
Apparently Halloween!! Haha since kids apparently it's now a big tradition in my household! Someone please helps!! We are not even American! Why is it now a thing in Aus?
8. How do you align and connect with your intuition?
I pray… I am what black people call a “praying woman” haha – but no joke.
9. What's an assumption others make about you?
To be honest… one thing that I am grateful for is that I spend not one second thinking about what other people are thinking or assuming about me … not one… For it's really none of my business…you know…
10. Is there an item that you would like to see from Collective Closets in the future?
Sunnies by Closet Collective would be all kinds of fly!!!
11. Something that you’re passionate about?
Art and Expression, Creativity…
You can follow Victoria on her Instagram here, or visit her website here.